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Recent Successful Events

Blood Drive!!


Marshmallows and Socks at St Isidore Golf Tournament

Sept 16, 2024

Kevin Clark
Antoine Stavrianopoulos
Knight, Matt Mihalic
Chris Gaber- "Longest Drive"
Zachary Gustafson
Justin Andrews
Andrew Smith
Mike Perchak
Jamie Frick
Jeff Beck, Tony Festa,
Matt McCall, Chris Letters
Melissa Ovadia
Drew Corradini
Manuel DiFreitas
Jorge Alfaro, Keith Devine
Jeff Tyrell, Greg Tripaldi, Ken Burger, Mclure Foot
Max Paulsen
Steve Murphy

Farewell Grand Knight Jack Martin!

Welcome New Grand Knight

Rich Schiffer!

We express our great appreciation for our outgoing Grand Knight Jack Martin, who is moving on to new beginnings in Nashville!

Jack took on Grand Knight leadership even though he and his family have not lived in our Parish during his 2023-2024 tenure! 

And now, we welcome our new Grand Knight, Rich Schiffer, another dynamic leader. 

fortunate our KofC 4060 Council is to have such fine men step forward!

We hope that many more faithful Catholic men of the St. Isidore Parish will step forward to join our very engaged and active membership!

Our meetings, generally on the fourth Thursday of every Month, include another excellent dinner, prepared by the Bellecis!

Thanks to Russ and Patti Belleci for their preparation and and serving of a very fine Knights Appreciation Dinner on June 30th!

Jack Martin turns over leadership to Rich Schiffer 

Russ and Patti Belleci 

Knights were once again part of Danville's annual 

Independence Day Parade!

The Red, Blue, and Gold Dinner, April 19

Knights of Columbus Assembly 1979 Honor Guard
Jack Martin with First Responder Honorees
Contra Costa Sheriff Honoree
Brendan Barckley with Jack Martin
Jack Martin presents honor for Danville Police Deputy Gregory Drolet, who could not attend.

On May 25th, John Paul Rabago and Juan Carlos Ponce were ordained to the Priesthood by Bishop Barber at Christ the Light Cathedral.  Clicking on picture above should open the YouTube video of the event.  

See our Seminarians page, which also presents the current Oakland Diocesan young men studying for the priesthood.  Our St. Isidore Knights contribute funds to assist in seminarians' preparation.  

Council 4060 Featured at Supreme:

California Knights Give Back

Since 1979, members of the Father Frank Colacicco Council 4060 at St. Isidore Church in Danville, California, have provided food baskets to those in need during the Christmas season season.  An initiative that started with just a few boxes has grown over four decades into a project that provides hundreds of food baskets and wrapped gifts for local families in the Bay Area.


Our Catholic Faith and four core principles inform the good works of the Knights of Columbus:


Among charitable works by our St. Isidore Knights are the many  food baskets  we prepare for needy  families at Christmas time.


None of us alone is as good
as all of us united.  So we stick together in making life better for our parish and our community.


We also cooperate as brother Knights in such fine service opportunities as the East Bay Stand Down (for Veterans).


We are proud of our devotion to God and faithful support of the Church, our Nation, our families -- and allegiance to our Flag.

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March 16, 2024 Crab Feed

March 19, 2023 Bishop's Vocation Dinner 

Resolution of Condolence – Ed Hilko

Ed joined the Knights of Columbus in 1955, serving the Parish and Community for 69 years, as member of the Danville Council & Holy Spirit Assembly, 4th Degree,

serving as Grand Knight and District Deputy.


He exemplified the true meaning of a Knight, putting his Faith in Action, Leading by Example,

as a devoted Catholic and servant.


As Grand Knight and District Deputy, he always made himself available to fill critical voids with Council and Parish activities, such as serving as Sacristan, leading daily Rosary & Adoration, Usher, taking the elderly to Mass, to name a few.

Ed Hilko
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