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Knights of Columbus
Father Frank Colacicco
Council 4060 - Danville, CA

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Consider becoming a Knight!


Resolution of Condolence – Ed Hilko

Ed joined the Knights of Columbus in 1955, serving the Parish and Community for 69 years, as member of the Danville Council & Holy Spirit Assembly, 4th Degree,

serving as Grand Knight and District Deputy.


He exemplified the true meaning of a Knight, putting his Faith in Action, Leading by Example,

as a devoted Catholic and servant.

As Grand Knight and District Deputy, he always made himself available to fill critical voids with Council and Parish activities, such as serving as Sacristan, leading daily Rosary & Adoration, Usher, taking the elderly to Mass, to name a few.

That Man Is You!  Please consider participating in the TMIY program that starts Saturday September 7, see the flyer below for details


The spectacularly beautiful yet reverent three-tablet monument reminding St. Isidore parishioners and visitors of core Catholic principles (God's Ten Commandments, sacredness of human life, and the Beatitudes) was dedicated on Thursday, May 16.  Father Matthew thanked all who had a hand in inspiring the idea for the  monument, funding it, and then placing it.   He then blessed these beautiful tablets to God's purpose.

Knight Ed Indelicato, who led the effort from its inception, himself thanked all involved, including Gabe and Bernadette Moufarrej, Owners of InContro Ristorante.  Gabe also operates a construction company; he arranged for installation of the heavy-duty concrete pads needed to place the monument's granite tablets. 

Bert Morrison (St. Isidore Facilities Manager, who along with his wife Jean also leads the Confirmation program) assisted with the landscaping.  Father Mark and Father Candelario (current Chaplain and immediate past Chaplain to our K of C 4060 Council) were on hand for the dedication.  Thanks, all!

Last photo:  Fr. Mark, Fr. Candelario, Sir Knight Bert Morrison, Fr. Matthew, Sir Knight Ed Indelicato, Gabe Moufarrej, Grand Knight Jack Martin

General Council Meeting:
Council Meetings are ordinarily held every 4th Thursday

The Officer meeting is on Thursday, Aug 15, at 6:00 PM.

There will be a general Council meeting Aug 22.

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